Filters in Refresh Identity Cube Task of IdentityIQ

Refresh Identity cube task is one of the most popular predefined tasks in SailPoint IdentityIQ. Refresh Identity cube task performs a full refresh of the identity cubes and aggregates the data from external sources for all identities. The task has the features to specify which identities are needed to be refresh, by the use of Filters. Filters are used in many places throughout IdentityIQ to allow actions to be applied to a subset of system objects. Filters in Refresh Identity cube task make use of filter strings, which will refresh all the identities which meet the filter constraint mentioned in the task.

The following presentation discusses in detail about the different filters used in the Refresh Identity cube task.

The following is the demonstration of the usage of different filters on Refresh identity cube task.

Sailpoint – Refresh Identity Cubes

In Sailpoint’s Identity IQ Refresh Identity Cubes” is one among the most important internal tasks. Refresh Identity Cubes helps in building 360 degree purview of an identity based on all the data aggregated from external sources.

The following video is an extensive discussion on various aspects of Refresh Identity Cubes.

The various aspects that are covered as part of this video are:

  1. Mechanisms to filter the identities to be considered for Refresh.
  2. Various options in the Refresh Identity Cubes.
  3. Using Multi-threading to improve the performance