Duo Two-Factor Authentication for SailPoint Identity Security Cloud

What is Duo

Duo is a two-factor authentication solution that helps organizations boost security by verifying user identity, establishing device trust, and providing a secure connection to company networks and applications.

Why Duo

Duo is fast, easy and flexible. Passwords and even basic Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) aren’t enough to keep you safe from today’s attackers. Duo gives you the extra layers of protection you need for secure access management. With this setup, Duo two-factor authentication (2FA) is added as a verification option for account unlocking and password resets.

Prerequisites to integrate Duo

  1. Configure SailPoint Web application and copy ClientID, secret and hostname these details are required for SailPoint integration.
  2. Add users and enroll them in the application. User should have an account in SailPoint.

Technical Overview:

Here’s the technical demonstration on the integration of Duo

Use case Demonstration – Integration flow:

Please refer to the below video to have an understanding about Duo integration

SailPoint configuration

  1. The steps to be done in SailPoint tenant for duo integration
  2. First in SailPoint, integrate the Duo and then check the test connection after successful test connection
  3. Enable multifactor Authentication in Identity profile
  4. And select duo web in Password Reset and Unlock Settings
  5. Now you are all set to use duo authentication

Duo 2FA for Identity security cloud password reset

  1. With duo integration user can reset his password
  2. First user has to proceed to reset password
  3. Enter the username
  4. Then you should enter the passcode received from duo after successful duo authentication you can able to set new password

Duo 2FA for Identity security cloud Unlock account

  1. If the user account got locked, then he can unlock his account with duo integration
  2. First user has to proceed to unlock account
  3. Enter the username
  4. After successful duo authentication your account will be unlocked


SailPoint Identity Security Cloud Transforms


SailPoint Identity Security Cloud Transforms are configurable objects that allow us to manipulate attribute data while aggregating from or provisioning to a source. Sometimes transforms are referred to as Seaspray, the codename for transforms. Identity Security Cloud Transforms and Seaspray are essentially the same.

As we can see from the below diagram, we will be providing input to transform, transformation occurs and output will be returned. So, the way transformation occurs depends on the type of operation used. Some of the transform operations are Concatenation, Conditional, Date Format etc.

Transform REST APIs

In order to create the transform, get transform details, update transform or delete any tranform, we can make use of REST APIs available for transforms.

There are 5 REST APIs are available for transforms in V3 and Beta APIs.

Rest APIsDescription
List TransformsList Transform API is used to get list of all available transforms from the tenant
Create TransformCreate Transform API is used to create a new transform and upload it into the tenant.
Transform by IDTransform by ID is used to get the details of a particular transform.
Update TransformUpdate a transform API is used to update any existing transform.
Delete TransformDelete transform API is used to delete any transform using transform ID.

Transform Operations:

In order to make use of transform according to the use case, we should understand various transform operations that are available.

Below are the various types of operations that are available in transform. Each of these operations performs specific task, we can use them according to our needs.

Transform OperationDescription
Account Attribute TransformAccount attribute transform used to look up an account for a particular source on an identity and return a specific attribute value from that account. 
Base64 Decode TransformThe base64 decode transform allows you to take incoming data that has been encoded using a Base64-based text encoding scheme and render the data in its original binary format.
Base64 Encode TransformBase64 transform will take an input, this input is given to base64 encode transform and the encodes string is returned as output.
Decompose Diacritical Marks TransformDecompose diacritical marks transform to clean or standardize symbols used within language to inform the reader how to say or pronounce a letter.
E.164 Phone TransformUse the E.164 phone transform to convert an incoming phone number string into an E.164-compatible number.
Identity Attribute TransformTransform is used to get the users identity attribute value.
Lower TransformThis transform is used to convert input string into lowercase character.
Upper TransformThis transform is used to convert input string into uppercase characters.

In below series of 4 videos, we comprehensively cover all the details around the transforms including basic syntax of transforms, APIs around transforms and all the types of transforms.

Transforms Series – Video 1 of 4:
Below video is the first video in a series of 4 videos about transforms. This part contains an introduction to transforms, syntax of transform, types of Inputs, REST APIs and API Responses.


Transforms Series – Video 2 of 4: Below video is the second video in a series of 4 videos about transforms. This part contains use cases, transform operations like account attribute transform, base64 decode transform, base64 encode transform, concatenation, conditional, date format, date math, date compare, decompose diacritical marks, first valid, generate random string


Transforms Series Video 3 of 4:
Below video is the third video in a series of 4 videos about transforms. This part contains about transform operations like  get end of string, get reference identity attribute, identity attribute, index of , ISO3166, last index of, left pad, look up lower, name normalizer, random alphanumeric, random numeric


Transforms SeriesVideo 4 of 4:
Below video is the fourth video in a series of 4 videos about transforms. This part contains about transform operations like reference, replace all, replace, right pad, rule, split, static, substring, trim, upper, username generator, UUID generator


SailPoint IdentityNow Workflows

About SailPoint IdentityNow Workflows:

IdentityNow workflows are a way to automate processes related to Identity Security Cloud. These processes when carried individually are manual, error prone and laborious in nature.

Here are a few examples of the power of workflows.

  1. Design workflows that can handle a growing number of users onboarding requests, ensuring scalability as the organization hires new employees.
  2. Design workflow to raise tickets in ticketing system to automate the resolution of access-related issues reported by users, ensuring a streamlined process.
  3. Modify an existing workflow to include new steps for managing temporary access during a special project, adapting to changing business needs.
  4. Implement a workflow for access reviews that automatically identifies and revokes unnecessary access rights, ensuring that users only retain permissions relevant to their current roles.
  5. Streamline access request procedures including approval steps for access approval or modification.
  6. Send email alert when an identity changes group in end application.
  7. No human involvement while configuring and activating certification campaign when identity changes department and also send email alert to reviewer.

In this video blog, we will be discussing about the IdentityNow workflows in detail. The following are the key topics that are discussed as part of the blog.

  1. Why SailPoint introduced Workflow in IdentityNow
  2. Available platforms in IdentityNow to build a workflow.
  3. General terminology and use of Inline variables
  4. Simulating and testing a workflow
  5. Migrate workflows between sandbox and production.

The detailed discussion of Workflows, it’s terminology and configuration process are present in the following video.

Detailed demo on developing & testing workflows in all 3 possible ways is present in the following video.

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