The DocuSign electronic signature app provides users a simplified way to digitally sign and return documents from anywhere in the world.
describes the Integration for the DocuSign Application of SailPoint IdentityIQ (IIQ) solution implementation.
SailPoint webservice connector is application type used to connect from SailPoint to DocuSign application. for creating account, update account, Activate and deactivate account.
Details Required for DocuSign integrate with SailPoint
- Need to get the DocuSign API details for the different operation.
- Base URL will be different for different environment.
- secret key and client ID for the token generation.
- Generating access token with Authorization code.
Use Cases
The following operation will be performed by IIQ –
Create, Update, Enable, Disable, Account Aggregation, Group Aggregation
Created Account operation: This use case will be used to create the account for the different user with adding the groups, permission, and different details required for the account creation.
Update Account operation : If the existing user need to update the details , where the details can be updated in the form which is provided in the SailPoint.
Leaver Process : As the user will be left the company or the department, then the user will be disabled or deleted automatically by the leaver process.
Mover Process : Once the user is transferred from the one department to other department or to the position is changed of the user then the mover process will be triggered.
Rehire Process: Once the user is re-hired in the organization then the re-hire process will be triggered.